The Gorge of Agia Irini, a place of unique beauty and vegetation, is located at the western section of the Lefka Ori (White Mountains), near Agia Irini village, which belongs to the Municipality of Kandanos-Selinos.
The gorge is part of the E4 European long distance path. It is 7,5 km long and the walk through it requires approximately 3 hours.
The entrance is situated near the village of Agίa Irini, and the outlet 5 km north of the coastal village of Sougia.
Even though it is not as well-known as the neighboring gorge of Samaria, the gorge of Agia Irini is equally beautiful. Its vegetation is rich, and one can visit several spots of historical interest along the way.
The gorge area has been listed as a Wildlife Refuge and is a habitat of the Cretan wild goat (Capra aegagrus cretica). Rare birds, such as the Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), one of the rarest bird species in Europe, Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and Bonelli’s Eagles (Aquila fasciata), as well as numerous little mammals, such as badgers, weasels, martens etc, live in the gorge.
Also typical of the area is the richness in forest flora. The slopes of the gorge are thick with clumps of beautiful cypresses (Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis) and pines (Pinus brutia), while tall plane trees (Platanus orientalis) cast their shade on the watercourse. Smaller plants and bushes addto the beauty of the scenery: thyme, sage, lavender, Cretan ebenus and wild Cretan dittany (Origanum dictamnus, also known as erontas in Crete), which is known for its therapeutic properties, and difficult to find in the wild.
Historically, the gorge of Agίa Irίni has played an important role as a base of operations and a refuge for the revolutionaries of the region. During the Revolt of 1866, local people barricaded behind the old bridge which can be seen near the entrance to the gorge, to protect the women and children from the Turks.
A little further down there is a Byzantine chapel of Christ the Saviour (Sotiras Christos) (1357) with wonderful frescoes, and also a ruined chapel of Saint George (Agios Georgios) (1460).
The walk down the gorge of Agia Irini is fairly easy, almost effortless, should one take advantage of the rest areas provided. Once at the outlet, visitors can either walk or take a taxi or bus back to the entrance point or to the coastal settlement of Sougia.
Mountaineering, Bird watching, Hiking
E4 (Yellow/Black)
The Rural Greece is an online portal that connects travellers with unique destinations and local businesses in the countryside, offering authentic experiences through activities that highlight nature, traditions and culture.
For the Rural Greece accessibility is fundamental to enhancing an inclusive tourism experience. Following the principles of inclusion and equality, the epaithros Rural Tourism Network and its member businesses are constantly working to enhance the tourism services provided, ensuring that all visitors have the opportunity to experience the authentic beauty of the Greek countryside.
Sustainability in tourism refers to a way of developing tourism that respects and protects the environment while strengthening the local economy and preserving cultural traditions. The aim of sustainable tourism is to provide unique and authentic experiences for visitors without harming the natural and social environment, while ensuring that local communities benefit from tourism activity.
This type of tourism is based on three pillars:
With sustainable tourism, visitors can have authentic experiences, knowing that the impact of tourism on the region is positive and lasting for future generations.
For Rural Greece, localism is one of the most important factors for the development of sustainable tourism, as it promotes a strong link between the tourism product and the local society, economy and culture. Through localism, visitors get the opportunity to explore authentic elements of the destination, such as local products, traditions and culture. This not only boosts the local economy, but also helps to sustain and strengthen local businesses, creating new jobs and supporting the development of local communities.
Furthermore, localism contributes to the sustainability of the tourism sector, as it reduces the use of resources from other regions and encourages the use of local goods and services, reducing the ecological footprint of tourism activities. Thus, integrating localism into tourism practices enhances sustainability awareness, both among visitors and local businesses, creating a more responsible and sustainable tourism destination.