
Ancient Polyrrinia

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The moment one sets foot at Polyrrinia, one instantly senses that it is a place with a history that can be traced back to the distant past. Historical traces from different periods can be seen everywhere, and architectural elements remain scattered throughout the site, either on their own, in the ruins of ancient buildings, or incorporated into constructions of subsequent periods.

The village is built amphitheatrically on the southern slope of a hill, on top of which an ancient T-shaped citadel existed, which had a magnificent view to the Cretan Sea and to the south of the area. Polyrrίnia was an excellently fortified city. During the Hellenistic period it was one of the most noteworthy cities of Crete.

Ancient Polyrrinia

The earliest information we have about Polyrrinia dates back to the late 4th century BC: an inscription which records a treaty between the neighbouring city of Falassarna and Lacedaemon.

Numerous inscriptions, most of them incorporated today into walls of churches and other buildings in the area, provide us with information on significant events from different periods.

Polyrrinia owes its name to the main occupation of its inhabitants, stockbreeding (in ancient Greek: ρήν(ε)α– rίnea = sheep).

Already in the Mycenaean period the city must have been flourishing; it is believed that king Agamemnon made a stop at Polyrrinia upon his return from Troy and offered a sacrifice to the gods.

A monolithic sacrificial altar existed at the temple of Artemis Diktynna, at the current location of Haloklissia. Zeus and Athena were also among the gods who were worshipped by the Polyrrineans; especially the goddess Athena, who was represented bearing a helmet and a spear.

At Peristerospilios (= cave of the pigeons), near an aqueduct, numerous hewn tombs can be seen. There is also a niche where a statue of the goddess-nymph, who was worshipped in the cave, was discovered.

Most of the ruins which survive today scattered over the hill, and the architectural fragments which are now incorporated in buildings of the current village, come mainly from the Roman and the Byzantine period, and secondly from the Hellenistic years.

Parts of the Cyclopean walls can still be seen today, indicating the efficiency of the fortification of the ancient city. Modifications were made to these walls in almost every historical period, even in the Venetian era. The remains of the Roman aqueduct, which was probably constructed by Emperor Hadrian, are the most magnificent ruins in the area. It consists of underground galleries (1,35 m wide and 2,30 m high) hewn into the rocky hill, which ended in marble fountains and supplied the city with water.

The Italian archaeologist Federico Halbherr conducted an excavation and revealed a section of a wall of the 4th century BC. Later, in 1936, during another excavation, the base of a building 50 metres long and 7 metres wide, with a colonnade, was unearthed. No other systematic excavation has been conducted ever since.

Many of the finds can be seen today in the Archaeological Museum of Chania.


Type of Monument

Ancient City

Status of the Monument

Ανοιχτός-Διάσπαρτα Μνημεία


A Byzantine Period, Hellenistic period, Classical Period, Roman period



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For the Rural Greece accessibility is fundamental to enhancing an inclusive tourism experience. Following the principles of inclusion and equality, the epaithros Rural Tourism Network and its member businesses are constantly working to enhance the tourism services provided, ensuring that all visitors have the opportunity to experience the authentic beauty of the Greek countryside.


Sustainability in tourism refers to a way of developing tourism that respects and protects the environment while strengthening the local economy and preserving cultural traditions. The aim of sustainable tourism is to provide unique and authentic experiences for visitors without harming the natural and social environment, while ensuring that local communities benefit from tourism activity.

This type of tourism is based on three pillars:

  1. Environmental sustainability: preserving the natural landscape and ecosystems, with actions to reduce pollution, energy consumption and waste.
  2. Economic sustainability: supporting local economies, strengthening small businesses and creating jobs, while respecting the region's natural resources.
  3. Social sustainability: respecting local culture and traditions, strengthening social cohesion and ensuring that tourism activities benefit the quality of life of local people.

With sustainable tourism, visitors can have authentic experiences, knowing that the impact of tourism on the region is positive and lasting for future generations.


For Rural Greece, localism is one of the most important factors for the development of sustainable tourism, as it promotes a strong link between the tourism product and the local society, economy and culture. Through localism, visitors get the opportunity to explore authentic elements of the destination, such as local products, traditions and culture. This not only boosts the local economy, but also helps to sustain and strengthen local businesses, creating new jobs and supporting the development of local communities.

Furthermore, localism contributes to the sustainability of the tourism sector, as it reduces the use of resources from other regions and encourages the use of local goods and services, reducing the ecological footprint of tourism activities. Thus, integrating localism into tourism practices enhances sustainability awareness, both among visitors and local businesses, creating a more responsible and sustainable tourism destination.